At the Universite Libre de Bruxelles. The focus of IPCS'12 will be on information processing as a novel paradigm in understanding and modelling complex systems.
The Section Computational Science (SCS) studies computational problems in the area of complex dynamical systems. Important aspects of this research are the understanding of multi-scale phenomena, where systems are studied over large temporal and spatial scales, and the mapping of complex systems onto high performance parallel and distributed computing systems.
The Journal of Computational Science aims to be an international platform to exchange novel research results in simulation based science across all scientific disciplines. It publishes advanced innovative, interdisciplinary research where complex multi-scale, multi-domain problems in science and engineering are solved, integrating sophisticated numerical methods, computation, data, networks, and novel devices.
The University of Amsterdam offers a two year International Masters of Computational Science (IMCS) within the graduate school of Science.
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) funds thousands of top researchers at universities and institutes and steers the course of Dutch science by means of subsidies and research programmes including computational science.
The annual International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS) aims to bring together researchers and scientists from mathematics and computer science as basic computing disciplines, researchers from various application areas who are pioneering advanced application of computational methods to sciences such as physics, chemistry, life sciences, and engineering, arts and humanitarian fields, along with software developers and vendors, to discuss problems and solutions in the area, to identify new issues, and to shape future directions for research, as well as to help industrial users apply various advanced computational techniques.